Chuck roast recipe (Easy to cook & Guide)

I still remember that old day when my grandmother made Beef Chuck roast recipe sometimes. And when she start cooking it, its aroma would spread throughout the neighborhood and people would come to our house. This is a recipe that does not take much time to make, and it is also very tasty to eat.

When I make this recipe. I go out of the house in between just to smell it and then after some time when I come back inside the house. The smell reaches directly from my nose to the lungs and this smell gives me immense pleasure. I get half satisfied only with its smell because this is one such recipe which is liked by almost everyone and it is very tasty too.

About Chuck Roast Recipes

I know that you are also aware of its aroma and want to make this recipe at home. If that is the case then today I am going to teach you how you can make Chuck roast recipe at home.

About Chuck Roast Recipes

NameChuck roast recipe
Prepare time20mins
Cooking time2hrs
Additional time10mins

Nutrition Facts


Chuck roast recipe is a food that is very soft and this food can satisfy every person sitting in your dining room. Its aroma is really very fragrant, after smelling it every person gets attracted towards it.

The beef chuck recipe was actually started in the 1890s and at that time beef was very thin. Today it is very thick which is made during cross-bireed. In the old times the method of the beef chuck recipe was also different. It is possible that in the old times, people did not have much knowledge about taste.

But in today’s time, there are many types of Beef Chuck roast recipes available and this number is increasing. Someone makes Beef Chuck roast recipes in a new way and if he likes it then he tells others also.

If you want to know about the original Beef Chuck recipe then read below.

In this article, I will teach you about the original boneless beef chuck recipe which has been made since ages. There are many benefits hidden in this recipe such as gluten-freepaleolow carb and it is also stomach-friendly.

Table of Contents

Chuck roast recipe Meaning?

Everyone knows the name of this food but I know that most of you will not know its meaning. Do you know the real meaning of the Chuck roast recipe? Why do people call it by this name?

Chuck roast is made from beef and the upper part of the shoulder of beef is called Chuck, and because it is made from the meat of the shoulder of beef which is called Chuck. The first name of this recipe is Chuck and the second word is Roast has been added because the meat is cooked on low flame for a long time. Both the words together form Chuck roast recipe.

You can see the names of different body parts of beef in the image given below.

meaning of Chuck roast
meaning of Chuck roast

How to make Original Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe?

There are many flavors of Chuck roast available and as I said, it is increasing. But the recipe I am going to teach you today is the original Chuck roast recipe. And this recipe includes ingredients like onions and flour. You can skip Onion if you don’t like it.

Although without onion and flour the gravy becomes a little sweet and thin but it is good for health. So today we will learn the old-fashioned cooking method which our ancestors used to eat and remain very healthy.

I request you to read this article carefully. Otherwise, you will miss this information about the original chuck roast recipe! Which is not a good thing. So let’s get started.

Ingredients required

First, let’s talk about the ingredients required. Like all recipes, this recipe also needs some essential ingredients. You should know about them.

To make this recipe I have taken 2.5 pounds of boneless chuck roast. You can reduce the size if you want. And the ingredients should be according to the amount of meat. So I have taken a total of 2.5 Kg of boneless chuck roast and I am telling you about the required ingredients accordingly.

  • 50g coriander leaves
  • salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons bacon fat (you can also use ghee)
  • Chopped red onion (if red onion is not available you can use white onion as well)
  • 4 cloves
  • 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
  • 2 teaspoons red chili powder
  • Peeled garlic
  • 20g ginger
  • Half a cup of coconut milk
  • Mustard oil as needed
  • Mushrooms as per requirement (it is not necessary to add these, you can add them if you want)

Note: You can also use vegetables in the Chuck roast recipe. But I do not use any vegetables in it because I do not like their taste. You can use any vegetable if you want, like: carrots and capsicum.

Tips: You may not have some ingredients like ghee etc. In such case you can make this without ghee as well, you just need to add more fat to it. You can even use curd if you want.

Tips: If you do not like a very thick gravy then do not use flour and onion. And if you want a very thick gravy then you will have to use more onion and flour in it.

Start of the Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe
Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-1”

First of all prepare the oven to preheat to 300 degrees. If you have a natural oven then it may take time as it is heated with wood. While the oven is heating up you can prepare the meat.

After this, take a pan in which your roast/Beef Chuck roast fits properly. Make sure that the meat does not come out of the pan.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe "Step-2"
Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-2”

After this, rub the ground garlic well on the meat, this is the initial marinating process for roasting. About which I have also told you earlier.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-7”

After rubbing the garlic well, you have to sprinkle black pepper powder well over the meat and also add salt as per taste.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-4”

Now you have to arrange the Chuck roast nicely in your pan and let it cook in the oven for about 3 minutes. Be careful that your meat does not burn, if smoke is coming out from the Chuck roast then slow down the fire and turn the meat.

To prevent the meat from burning you can use more fat or keep the fire low. When the Chuck roast is cooked through, take it out and place it in a pan.

Now you can eat it like this if you wish, but to enhance its taste. I am going to try some other methods.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe "Step-5"
Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-5”

First of all, put 2 spoons of oil in a pan and heat it on the gas, after the oil is heated, add onion and ginger in it and fry it well.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe "Step-6"
Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-6”

When the aroma starts coming, add some water to it and add red chili and cook it for 1 minute, after this add turmeric powder, chopped tomatoes and fry it well, when the tomatoes melt then add Chuck roast to it and fry it for some time.

Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe "Step-7"
Boneless Beef Chuck Roast Recipe “Step-7”

After this, cover the pan completely so that the outside air does not enter the pan and let it cook on low flame for 10 minutes.


If there is a shortage of salt then you can add salt now, and if you want more gravy then you can also increase the amount of onion in it.

After 10 minutes you have to remove all the air from the pan and add coconut milk to it, you can also add curd, if you want a better gravy then you can also use flour in it. “If you are using flour then cook it for another 10 minutes”.

After 10 minutes check the meat to see if it is well coated with the spices. If the color of the meat and gravy is same then turn off the gas and cut the coriander leaves into small pieces and garnish the pan nicely. To enhance the aroma you can use Garam masala which is another option.

Now your Chuck roast recipe is ready, if you want you can serve it in dinner and enjoy the taste, to serve it in the right way you will have to take the help of some vegetables like Gajar and Capsicum.

Cut them into small pieces and decorate them nicely on a plate. You should know the art of decorating. The better you decorate the food, the more beautiful and delicious it will look.

Simple/Old style Beef chuck recipe process

There is a method to cook beef and if we talk about the original method then beef should be cooked with onions. When I make this recipe, I fry it with onions and when I do this, my whole family starts gathering in the kitchen just by its aroma. And I feel very happy to see this! Let’s first know the process.


This is a process which is necessary for every non-veg recipe, although without marinating you can cook meat but it will lack the taste.

That is why marination is necessary in the beef chuck recipe. This is done so that the spices and vegetables mix well with the meat.

For marinating, you can take the required spices and some vegetables and after lightly frying the meat, you can leave it in a closed pan for some time.

Make sure the pan you are marinating in is completely sealed so that no air from outside enters the pan. This is the most important part of the beef chuck recipe.

There are other methods of marinating that have been asked many times, in fact in the school where I used to learn cooking, students used to ask many questions. Because marinating is an art, the better it is, the tastier your food will be, so every process has to be understood well.


For making any recipe you do not have to create a boiling environment, if you submerge the meat in water then it will become boiling which will affect the taste, you have to create a steamy environment so that the taste of the food comes out well.

After marinating, you have to prepare the oven, and preheat it to about 190 degrees. Once the oven is preheated, put the Chuck roast in a pan and wrap it well with foil paper. Make sure that no part of the meat is visible outside.

If you heat the Chuck roast directly in a high oven it will burn and the taste of the food will be ruined. This can take a lot of time so do this work carefully. After wrapping the Chuck roast in foil paper, leave it in the oven to heat for 3-4 minutes.

If in the meantime you see smoke coming out of the pan then slow down the oven, to avoid this problem you can use fat in advance which will prevent the food from burning.

After the Chuck roast is cooked well, take it out of the oven and garnish it with vegetables on a plate. You can use different types of vegetables for garnishing like tomatoes etc.

To make the food tasty you can use Schezwan chutney and if you like sweet then you can also use Tomato ketchup.

This type of Chuck roast recipe can be enjoyed with bread. It is a protein-rich food that everyone should eat and is a great pleasure in terms of taste.



How long does it take to make a Chuck roast recipe?

What is another name of Chuck roast recipe?

Which method is best for Chuck roast?

Can I make Chuck roast recipe at home?

What meat is used in a Chuck roast recipe?

Is Chuck roast good for health?

Can I add any flavor to the Chuck roast recipe?

Chuck roast recipe making video


There are many things in this recipe that look very simple but when you go to make them, it will take a lot of your time, therefore before making any recipe you should get information about it, people use different methods to make Chuck roast recipe and many people also try new things.

If this is the first time you are trying to make this or you have made this recipe before then let us know by commenting and follow to get more knowledge about Chuck roast.