US Department of Health and Human Services advises that adults should move more and sit less throughout the day, and they urge that some physical activity is better than none.
Here’s everything you need to know about walking for weight loss, including our tips and tricks for maximizing your stride. Walking Benefits Research continues to show that overall regular exercise is beneficial for your health, but walking itself has several benefits which include: Improving heart health: We know that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, so keeping our hearts top of mind should be a priority. Research suggests that walking can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and also improve longevity.
Promoting mental health: Taking care of yourself, mind and body, is so important when it comes to wellness and holistic health. Walking regularly can improve a person’s cognition and also help decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety. Combating obesity: Obesity puts us at risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers. Research shows that walking is decreased in obese individuals and also declines with weight gain. Staying active is imperative to help fight obesity and manage your weight.
Add more fibre to your diet for effective weight loss Highlights Watermelon can also help in blood pressure management Drink plenty of water for effective weight loss Add more fibre-rich vegetables to your diet Diet plays a major role in weight management. A perfect combination of diet and regular exercise can help in healthy weight loss. This summer you can lose weight while staying at home. Due to the lock down, the chances of eating out has already reduced.
When at home, you consume fresh homemade food. For effective weight loss, you need to add some foods and drinks to your diet. This summer, exercise at home and follow a healthy diet for weight management. Here’s a list of food and drinks you should try for weight loss.
Watermelon : This summer fruits can offer you multiple health benefits. It can also help in weight loss. Maximum portion of a watermelon is loaded with water. This fruit contains essential nutrients including vitamin A, C, lycopene and plenty of antioxidants. It also contains very few calories and keeps you hydrated. Not just watermelon, you can also eat different summer fruits. Summer season offers a variety of fruits which can help in weight loss.
2. Cucumber is also weight loss friendly. It is also low in calories with high water content. Cucumber also contains fibre which can keep you full for longer. You can eat cucumber as a snack or add it to your salad. It can also be used to prepare refreshing cool drinks.
3. Detox drink During the summer season, you need to drink more water to stay hydrated. You can prepare detox drinks which can help in weight loss as well as help you get rid of toxins. To prepare detox water, take water on a large jar and add your favorite fruits to it. You can also add ginger slices, chopped cucumber, lemon slices and some mint leaves. Keep this in the fridge to cool down. Drink this water throughout the day and refill when required. Detox drinks can also boost skin health.
4. Grilled vegetables Vegetables should be an important part of your weight loss diet. Most vegetables are loaded with fibre which can keep you full for longer. These will also provide you plenty of nutrients. You can take a variety of vegetables for grilling. Enjoy these with low-fat dip.
‘These weight loss tips are both helpful and realistic.
1. Reduce all packaged food and sweets to once per day The first thing the accredited dietitian wants you to do is reduce all packaged food and sweets to just one serving per day. While it might feel easier to eat food that comes straight from a packet, they are usually packed full of additives and preservatives – all of which are not good for your waistline. Leanne said, instead, you should prioritize ‘real wholefoods’ – including plenty of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, slow-release carbohydrates and a little of the ‘good fats’ like olive oil and avocado. The dietitian said you absolutely must ensure that half of your plate is filled with vegetables and salad at every meal.
2. Eat half a plate of salad or vegetables with every meal Secondly, half a plate of salad and/or vegetables should be mandatory at every mealtime.The ideal portion sizes for fat loss are half a plate of veggies or salad, a quarter of a plate of protein, a quarter of a plate of carbs and a thumb-sized amount of fat,’ Leanne said. If your quantities are off in any way, you are unlikely to be able to reach your goals.
3. Drink a large glass of water before and between every meal Hunger is often mistaken for thirst, but if you have a large glass of water before and between every meal, you’ll be far less likely to over-eat. While the experts are often divided over whether you should sip on water during a meal. you should be looking to drink a large glass of water between and before every meal, as well as aiming for 10,000 steps per day.
4. Get 10,000 steps per day or a small workout While it might feel hard in isolation to hit your step goal, Leanne said if you can either fit in 10,000 steps each day or a small 30 minute workout, your body will thank you. 10,000 steps equates to around eight kilometres or one hour 40 minutes of walking, depending on your stride length. According to Medibank, the recommendation of 10,000 steps a day originally came from Japanese researchers in the 1960s.
A research team found that the average person took 3,500 to 5,000 steps each day – and that if they increased it to 10,000, they could improve their overall health and fitness. 10,000 steps could burn around 20 per cent of an individual’s caloric intake. The dietitian said we often eat when we’re bored rather than hungry, and if we don’t get enough sleep, then this affects our hunger hormones negatively.
5. Only eat when you’re truly hungry . In the same way that we often mistake hunger for thirst, so too do we nibble and snack when we’re not really hungry. Leanne recommends you try to only eat when you’re really hungry, rather than bored.
6. Sleep 7-8 hours each night Lastly, the dietitian said you absolutely must get at the minimum seven hours of sleep each night, and ideally eight hours. ‘Lack of sleep affects the hunger hormones.